Colchester Unitarians invite you to join them in the search for individual spiritual truth and meaning, within a religeous tradition of freedom, reason and tolerance.
We are pleased to offer a liberal approach to spirituality and the search for truth, wherever it is to be found. |
We respect, and have reverence for, the interdependence of all life in the universe, of which we are a part. |
We believe in the inherent worth of every person, and offer acceptance and friendship. |
We meet to celebrate, to share, and to articulate beliefs and values, free from any set creed. Our aim is to foster awareness of our social responsibilities. |
We are associated with the International Unitarian and Universalist movement, which originated in the sixteenth century. |
Colchester Unitarian Fellowship | © Colchester Unitarian Fellowship |
Colchester Unitarians belong to the London and South-East District of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. Members of the Fellowship take part in events organised at district level and nationally and several are involved individually in Unitarian societies or other bodies.