Unitarian Publications

All books can now be paid for either by cheque or direct payment Lloyd's bank account no 71575960 sort code 30 90 91 to North West Provincial Assembly. Contact Lynne Readett at rev.lynne@hotmail.com to order any book.

Grains of Sand: £4.00 plus £1.36 pp

This book came from a residential workshop held at Formby Lancashire. Reflections,prayers and meditations complete this lovely book. The residential and the printing costs were covered by a generous bequest from the trustees of Horwich Church

That Glorious Liberty: David Doel £4.00

The Love that passes all understanding: David Doel £3.00 plus £1.36 pp

In praise of the mystic Dancer: Vernon Marshall £5.00 plus £1.36 pp

Reflections: £3.00 plus 65p postage and packing

Echoes: £3.00 plus 65p postage and packing.

Tales to Ponder £5.00 plus £1.36 pp :

Letting Go: £6.00

Celebrations is now offered at £3.00 plus 65p postage and packing.

To purchase any of the above publications please see your Provincial Assembly Rep, or contact our secretary:

Rev Lynne Readett Tel: 01942893965