Unitarian and Free Christian
Peace Fellowship (UPF)

Peace Vigil, photo by John Hewerdine


SPIRIT OF PEACE - person to person for peace.

This year's charity is special, working as it does to develop a more compassionate and fairer world where all people can have the conditions to flourish - safety, education, adequate and fair access to physical (food and shelter), spiritual and natural resources. Their actions are rooted in faith be it in human nature, religious tradition or the future as well as spiritual principles which recognise and value the underlying connections between all people and the earth.

They work to overcome barriers and differences which create disharmony, enabling people and groups to work creatively with difference to promote the 'Common Good'. They work towards a world where all can flourish knowing that this depends on the ability to respect our shared humanity, our differences, and the earth, - our shared home. They teach that a stable global future depends on a safer, fairer world where all people and the earth can flourish. This depends on creating a global culture where all people can work together across the issues and thresholds which can divide - racial, cultural, ethnic, national.

So what do they do?

  • They bring people together across those racial, cultural, national and ethnic boundaries.
  • Foster harmonious relationships and connecting people with the aim of working for the common good.
  • Form partnerships and networks which enable people and organisations to work together.
  • Support peace and community builders locally and globally.
  • Support and energise local initiatives through connecting them with projects and leaders abroad.
  • And they develop and deliver training in working for the common good and promoting a culture where all can flourish.

If you too pray for, hope for peace in our world, then please support this invaluable charitable organisation.

Celia Cartwright
President of the General Assembly 2019/20