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The British League of Unitarian and Other Liberal Christian Women (Women's League) was founded in 1908. Its Objects are:-

There are now 20 branches, grouped in 8 Districts throughout the United Kingdom. Districts can send representatives to Central Committee meetings. There is a gathering for the Annual General Meeting at the denomination's General Assembly Meetings and an annual Rally, usually in October.

At District and Local Level, the branches serve their churches communities in many interesting and varied ways such as educational talks, craft work, care of the elderly and disabled, money raising and social gatherings. Each branch arranges its own unique programme.

At National level there are many activities associated with the League. They include:

  1. "Miscellany" – current publlication

  2. "Prayers and Meditations" – still available

  3. "Anthology – History of the League" – published 2008


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