About Us
the Foy Society

Why you should join the Foy Society

the Foy Society The Foy Society is a fellowship of women and men who, in a spirit of free inquiry, seek to understand the nature of present issues and problems - political, social and religious. It was founded in 1924 as The Fellowship of Youth. In 1957 it became known as the Foy Society as it had gradually taken on the role of an inter-generational group.

Candles at the Foy Society Most of our members are Unitarians. You are welcome to join and participate, whatever your religious background. The main event on the Foy calendar is the Annual Conference with its selected theme. In April, 2008 we were at Great Hucklow in Derbyshire, looking at our penal system and what is happening to young offenders in particular. Each conference is an opportunity to explore a relevant issue in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. There is also time for worship and social activities.

the Foy Society There are occasional weekend gatherings during the year, including walking weekends in Derbyshire. These pictures show "The Barn" at Flagg, not far from Buxton, where all generations of Foy can meet. Simple bunkhouse accommodation is held in trust and is available for the Foy Society to use. With its cosy multi-fuel stove, it is also available for members and their friends to use at other times. Why not make a weekend of it with friends or family members. If you are partial to the simple life you can use the dormitory accommodation or, if you prefer, there is camping in the adjoining field.

the Foy Society The Foy Society is affiliated to the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and has always been active in its support of Unitarian projects. It is often through Foy that the "unaskable" questions are addressed. Foy members regularly make a significant contribution to the annual meetings, sponsoring the daily newspaper of the General Assembly - the Gazette, and often speaking out on issues of concern. For many years we sponsored and organised activities for children and young people at these meetings.

Foy is involved with education and training, supporting work in Unitarian Development and liaising closely with those involved in social responsibility, sometimes initiating projects.

Candles at the Foy Society We also maintain contact with liberal religious groups worldwide. Foy subsidises young people to attend international conferences. We support the International Religious Fellowship (an association of liberal religious young people throughout the world). Foy members enjoy opportunities to meet and study together as they explore current issues and problems. We treasure the atmosphere of tolerance which allows free speech. Ideas are developed in diverse but supportive groups. Experiences and insights into social issues are shared in order to achieve deeper understanding as a basis for informed and responsible action. Foy plays a valuable part in the spiritual lives of its members. It provides learning, personal growth, friendship and relaxation.