Southend Unitarians
The Meeting House
Grange Gardens, SS1 2LL
Open to Spiritual seekers
of all faiths and of none;
We offer friendship,
support and community
CONTACT US: Southend Unitarians mailbox
What is Unitarianism?
Unitarians believe that we each have our own core values to guide us through life; values which benefit ourselves, the community in which we live and the wider world. Some Unitarians are from Christian backgrounds, others not; some believe in God or a higher intelligence or power, and some Unitarians are atheist. We accept everyone has different beliefs. Rather than seeing these differences as obstacles, we welcome and accept them as being part of the unity of universal life we share.
If you would like to know more, see the leaflet "A Faith Worth Thinking About" on the right.
Why consider Unitarianism?
Here, James Barry from UK Unitarian TV talks about how he came to join our movement after attending a friend's wedding.