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The Women's League enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee in the Pavilion Room before their 2019 AGM and a talk by Jonathan Roberts of Smile Train UK. Business matters proceeded with speed enabling all to be completed within the one hour slot. Anne Gemmell did a sterling job in chairing the whole meeting both as President and Past President. There is no President this year but Joyce Ashworth is President Elect. Susan Holt presented the accounts which are in good order. Susan Wildman was given an exotic plant and the honour of becoming an Honorary Vice President as she is standing down as Secretary in June. The post will be taken over by Joan McFarlane.

Anne Gemmell presented a cheque for £8,470 to John McCarthy of the UK Sepsis Trust, the League's project for the past year It was good to see John on a new mobility scooter. He was delighted with the cheque.

John McCarthy of UK Sepsis Trust thanking the League for the their cheque from the 2018/19 Project


Barbara Clifford, Scottish District
representative talking to
Jontahan Roberts
(click image to enlarge)

Jonathan Roberts travelled to Birmingham from Essex to give a talk and presentation on Smile Train UK, the project for 2019/20. He told us that 170,000 children are born in the developing world annually with cleft lip and/or cleft palate. £150 can cover the cost of cleft surgery. A child's life can be changed for the better in a 45 minute operation. In this country the operation is carried out by the NHS in the early weeks after birth, so that the condition is rarely seen by the general public. This is not the case in many parts of the world today where the condition still carries a stigma. When the charity was first set up doctors flew to the country concerned and travelled to villages by train, hence the name "Smile Train". Today the charity concentrates on training doctors in partnership with hospitals such as Sant Parmanand in Delhi and sponsors speech therapy. Questions and discussion followed the talk. Several people knew of children born with cleft palate. The Women's League will endeavour to raise a good sum for this, their 2019/20 Project.

The meeting ended with the singing of "Come Sing a Song with Me" (a capella) led by Rev Celia Cartwright who next day became President of the General Assembly for 2019/20. During the singing the League President, Anne Gemmell handed round red roses and then closed a much appreciated meeting.



Joyce Ashworth is President for 2020/21 having taken over from Anne Gemmell who is now Past President. Anne's work over the past two years as President and then her first year as Past President have been much appreciated.

The Central Committee meeting took place at Cross Street chapel, Manchester on 27th February 2020.

The March issue of the League Letter was well received by many members. Our thanks to Joy for all her hard work. If you to receive a copy please contact Joy at: joy.foster@talktalk.net.

The 2020 AGM scheduled for Wednesday 8th April at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole during the GA meetings could not take place because of Covid-19. but a cheque for the £7,960 collected for the 2019/20 project Smile Trainn was sent to the Headquarters of the charity. The 2020/21 project is Emmaus, a charity which helps and trains the homeless. Branches and individuals are encouraged to support this charity in the coming year.

Subject to confirmation, the 2020 Triennial Rally will be held at Whalley Abbey from Tuesday 20th October to Thursday 22nd October. Contact Mary Wightman Telephone 01382 775718, or for other contact details see the back of the League Letter.

A reminder that all contact addresses cn be found on the back page of the League Letter.

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Member of Unitarian Societies UK