Our Minister
We are without a minister at present so the Secretary has resumed her role as Lay Person in Charge.
Welcome to Chatham Unitarian Church. We are a small congregation whose main ethos is to respect the beliefs of others and embrace each other in fellowship and worship.
Our services begin with the lighting of the Unitarian chalice and candles of joy and concern;
there are prayers, readingsU drawn from many sources as well as Christian, hymns with either live
or recorded music, guided meditation or a period of quiet reflection and an address.
Sometimes instead of an address there will be a meditative activity. Often the service
can introduce elements from other worship traditions. We celebrate not only the Christian
festivals but also mark the passing of the seasons as well as special Unitarian services
such as the Flower Communion. For several years now we have had an Animal Service during
which pets are blessed.
One need not dress in special clothes for our services. They are relatively informal.
We try to create an opportunity away from the business of the world outside where
we can reflect on what is important, connect with our inner selves and deepen our spirituality.
The time of fellowship after the service is equally important as news is shared, ideas exchanged,
connections are made.
Visitors are always welcome; we hope you will stay.