
Sunday services, usually at 11 o'clock, last 45 - 60 minutes.
We are at the Unitarian Chapel, Hermitage St, TA18 8ES.
There are hymns, readings (from a variety of sources, including the Bible), prayers and meditation, and often an address in which the worship-leader will give his/her own views.
We hope you will find some calm for the week ahead in our service.
Afterwards, tea,coffee and biscuits are served in the hall, and there is a chance to talk with the worship-leader and others. A few visits will give an idea of how we think, and what we do.

Children are welcome at all our services, there are toy bags for the youngest to play with quietly while the service is going on.

Services with names of service leaders:-

6th Rose Bagwell
13th Helena Bagwell
20th Rev Linda Phillips
27rd No Service

January 2021
3rd Gerald Witcher
10th Rose Bagwell
17th Rev Linda Phillips
24th Helena Bagwell
31st Gerald Witcher
We will be opening for a short service of 30mins with all the procedures required as soon as we are allowed again There will be no hymn singing at present.
Keep safe and our prayers are with you.