
The South East Wales Unitarian Society is run by an Executive Committee with elected officers. Contact details of the current officers are listed below. Any enquiries should be made to the District Secretary.

Executive Committee:
District President: Diana Bianchi (Cardiff)
Tel: 02920 216536

District Vice-President:Alun Watts
Tel: 07523 866630.

District Secretary: Lis Dyson-Jones (Cardiff)
Tel: 01446 409066

District Treasurer: Rev Eric Jones (Aberdare)
Tel: 01685 873440

Eric is the retired Minister of Aberdare, Cardiff and Cefncoed. He entered the Ministry in 1962. He is a former President of the South East Wales District and of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (1989) and became an Honorary Life Member of the General Assembly in 2009. Married to Anne, they have two children, Gwion and Dyfan and four grandchildren, Dafydd, Mali, Menna Angharad and Math. Eric is now Minister Emeritus at Aberdare.

Minutes Secretary: Lis Dyson-Jones

Lis Dyson-Jones (District Women's League)
Morgan Chambers (Cefncoedycymer)
Julie Nedin (Gellionnen and Graig)
Julianne Morgan (Wick)
Kenneth Morgan (Editor, South East Wales Unitarian News)
Lis Dyson-Jones (Cardiff)
Jeannie Monks (Nottage)
Alun Watts (Aberdare)
Stephen Wilson (Swansea)
Julie Nedin & Rory Castle-Jones (IT/Website)
Ex officio
Reverend Lewis Rees (Nottage)
Stephen Lingwood (Pioneer minister, Cardiff)
Julianne Morgan (Wick, Lay Leader)
Department for Unitarians in Wales
Diana Bianchi (SEWUS President)
Tony Foster (Past President)
Hilda Dumpleton
Julie Nedin
Joy Foster
Youth & RE Co-ordinators
Diana Bianchi (Cardiff)
Sarah Boyce Cardiff
Isabelle Rosenburg (BUYAN)
Students Fund
Pat Simpson (Cardiff)
Pulpit Supply Co-ordinator
Hilda Dumpleton (Swansea)