
Inside the Chapel

Services are normally held at 10.45am on every first, third and fifth Sunday of each month We organise them in such a way that on the first Sunday of each month, our joint pastors Rev. Celia & Rev. John Midgley take it in turn to lead our worship. On the third Sunday and fifth Sundays of the month our Pulpit Secretary tries to get as wide a selection of opinions as possible. They may be other Ministers or Lay Preachers. All visitors and enquiries are made most welcome and are invited to join us for light refreshments afterwards. Our very good friend Dr. Brinley Price from York has written this piece of poetry especially for the congregation of our Chapel O wolf that howls outside my door, and feeds my mind with fright Your hunger I may not ignore Nor spurn you song of night. I must invite you in my home where it is safe bright warm. Feed you with kindness lest you roam out in this dark world's storm. You know this house from floor to ceiling You were born here too; Your coming home for me is healing A coming home for you. And in the light, I'll know your face,my brother & my twin, And see in you a sign of Grace, though I have starved you thin O hurt Child whom I must embrace O seed of light within 15th June 2014