
The Forth Valley Unitarian Fellowship aims to provide Unitarians and others who share Unitarian principles with an opportunity to meet for fellowship in the Stirling / Dunblane/ Larbert area. We seek to supplement other religious or spiritual activities and to provide an environment that offers mutual support for enquiry.


The Forth Valley Unitarian Fellowship programme of activities.

20th July 14 Picnic; Plean Country Park, from 1pm.
August No meeting
18th September 14 John Clifford - Nationality, Identity, and Reconciliation
16th October 14* Jon Cape - Fossil fuels and climate change
20th November 14* Morrissa M - Meditation
18th December 14* Christmas Event - to be as 2013 and self led
15th January 15* Heather Spence
19th February 15* Maud Robinson
19th March 15* Barbara Clifford
16th April 15* Joan Cook
21st May 15* Rob Whiteman
18th June 15* AGM
* The 3rd Thursday of the month