Baptism/Child Dedication/Naming
These special services of welcome to children provide an opportunity for parents to celebrate the birth of their child and to formally
dedicate themselves to their child's nurture, and their child to our heritage of good and to ask God's blessing on their child and on themselves as parents.
The Christian christening ceremony does ask you to make promises that you may not wish to keep, such as to be a faithful member of this congregation and to learn the way of life which Jesus taught and to follow him as best you can.
Many people prefer not to do this, but do want to ask God's blessing on their children, recognising that their children will want to decide for themselves, when they are mature enough to do so, which religious path they would like to follow.
With the Minister you will be helped to create a service that reflects your intentions and your commitment towards your child. Whichever emphasis you wish to give to the service, it is above all an opportunity to welcome your child to the family of humankind and celebrate his or her life and the family which you are creating.
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